Enough is enough

Tuesday 27 September 2022

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'The nursing profession is understaffed with 8 out of 10 shifts being unsafe for patients', this is just one of the reasons the RCN is campaigning for better pay for nurses. We were asked to work with them to create a campaign which highlighted the awful financial situation our nurses are in and get them to come together to cast a vote on whether to take protest action on this.

"Only 25% of nursing shifts
are fully staffed."


Black and white imagery was chosen for the campaign to indicate the stark situation the profession is in. An 'Enough is enough' stamp was created and applied to all assets to indicate that there must be an end to this situation. Bold, gritty typography complements this with hard-hitting facts to grab the viewer's attention.

Photographs of nurses and patients were used to communicate the emotion behind the campaign, as this not only impacts the nurses but also their patients and the people we all care about. A variety of social media, digital assets, posters and protest banners were created for this campaign so we needed to ensure that the design was both versatile and striking.

1920 x 650 - HOME PAGE - OCTHT2.jpg

"A cost-of-living crisis and decade of pay cuts
is leading nurses to use foodbanks
and sleeping in cars."
